October 5, 2010

An interlude on information environments

This does have a lot to do with Information related projects, but it is not the next part that I intended on talking about.  In my current role I actually have a change to affect real change, or at the very least set up an information environment and have everything defined the right way. 

I'm going through the process of trying to work out how to achieve this at the moment and at a very basic level below is a diagram that I think covers the pieces of the puzzle:

Elements of the Information Environment
I know that this is very broad and contains no real descriptions, it is something that I hope to flesh out in more detail as I start trying to sort it out in this organisation.  I will update it as I move along, and who knows, it might end up being another ebook topic (complete with templates and the like).

Of course I do have to be careful with it, this document was created on my time, and my system.  So I am not sharing any of the organisation's IP for this.  But it will be an interesting challenge on where to draw the line, after all this stuff has been swimming through my brain for years now.  So is it anyone's IP but my own, regardless of who I work for when I finally write it all up?? 

But that's a whole other blog post...

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